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Top Tips for Video Interviews

Job seeker advice

If you’re currently looking for a new Motor Trade job, the chances are at some point you will be invited to interview with a company, but with a difference. A lot of Automotive Businesses are starting to use Video Interviews in the first instance to ensure they are complying with social distancing.

For those of you who are seasoned interviewers, we still encourage you to read this guide to Video Interviews as there are things you will need to consider that you wouldn’t in a face-to-face environment.

So here are our top tips to make sure your video interview is a success!


The likelihood is that you’ve never done a video interview before. So have a couple of practice video calls with either friends or family members. This is crucial in helping you understand the technology of the webcam and microphone beforehand and how the programme you are using works.

It is also important in helping you work out how you will look on the screen and how you read and portray body language through a video call. Ask them to comment on your appearance and your eye contact (top tip: look at your webcam, not at the interviewer!) and use these practice sessions as a means to make the video interview feel more natural.

Think about what you are going to wear

The same for an in-person interview, you should dress professionally. We always recommend business wear for an interview, it may feel silly sitting in your house in a suit, but it will be appreciated by the interviewer as it will show that you are serious about the interview.

Try to avoid bright colours and patterns (avoid stripes as these can look quite unpleasant on a video call!) and make sure that you wear sensible clothing on your bottom half. Whilst the interviewer is only likely to see your upper half, you don’t want to be caught in your pants if you need to stand for any reason!!

Find a quiet and private area that is free from interruption

For a lot of you, these interviews will be at home, which can be full of interruptions, children, pets, home phones ringing, mobile phones going off, the list goes on. We recommend that you either lock a door if possible and also let your household members know not to disturb you. Put your phones on silent and make sure there is no background noise in the area you are in.

If there is a noise interruption, apologise to the interviewer and ask for a few moments, put the microphone on mute and either silence the noise, or if it is out of your control, wait for it to subside.

If a family member or pet comes into the room, again, apologise to the interviewer and ask for a few moments. It will be appropriate in this instance to mute your microphone and turn your camera off whilst you step away.

Carry out your research beforehand and have notes in front of you

You would research a company before an in-person interview and a video interview should be no different. Make notes, think of questions and have these prepared in front of you. You will want the conversation to flow and will want to give a good impression to the interviewer. We hope these tips have helped you with your upcoming interview and that all goes well for you.

Make sure you have plans in place in case your internet connection fails.

Technology isn’t always the best – so make sure you have a contingency plan in place in case things go wrong. It is always best to sort this out when arranging your interview and it really is as simple as providing a telephone number.

If we have booked your interview, we will be there to assist you with resuming your interview over the phone. We will be able to provide you / the interviewer with a telephone number so you can continue your conversation.

We hope these tips have helped you with your upcoming interview and that all goes well for you.

As experts in Automotive Recruitment, we want to make sure your interview goes smoothly to ensure you find your dream Motor Trade Job. For more tips and advice, visit our Career Toolbox.